Re: Impossible to countifs on an empty column
Try tucking the last condition inside the COUNTIFS closing paren. =IF(ISBLANK([Name of LE]@row), "", COUNTIFS({Fn}, "HR", {LEC - Action list conso pivot Range 1}, CONTAINS([Region…1 · -
Re: Excluding Weekends from Date formulas?
Okay, I think I get what you are saying now. These two formulas would replace the ones in your screenshots. =IFERROR(WORKDAY([Start Date]11, -CEILING([Delay (Days)]@row + [Duration (Days)]@row, 1)), …1 · -
Re: OR in COUNTIFS Formula
Remember that the syntax for the COUNTIFS function is COUNTIFS(range 1, logical statement 1, range 2, logical statement 2, etc etc etc. {status}, OR(@cell = "Repaired", @cell = "Beyond…1 · -
Re: Workflow History
The activity log for the sheet will give you some information. If it affects other sheets, their activity logs may also provide some insight.1 ·